Tech Videos: Course Introduction


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 The Technician Video Course provides a comprehensive introduction to conducting a vehicle inspection using Technician Videos

CATEGORY: Video Products LESSON 0An Introduction to the Technician Videos Course
AUDIENCEService Advisor, Technicians CERTIFICATION: Technician Videos


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Technician Videos offer customers a first-hand look at their vehicle through the point of view of you, the technician. Technicians who have become proficient at making short video inspections of customer vehicles  have seen a jump in overall RO dollars, for some dealers, as much as 43%.


Through this course, we'll be showing you how to use a mobile device to show your customers the concerns for your current and next service, while also highlighting the areas of their vehicle that are in great shape. 

Creating a technician video using our simple interface on a mobile phone is faster and easier than using a larger tablet, and personalized videos will build trust and transparency between you, the customer and the Dealership.


TECH VIDEO / COURSE CONTENT Tech Videos: Course Introduction
  Tech Videos, Pt. 1: Logging in and First Steps
  Tech Videos, Pt. 2: Recording and Uploading
  Tech Videos, Pt. 3: Best Practices
  Tech Videos, Pt 4: CCI
  Technician Video Handbook (PDF)


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact myKaarma Support:

(562) 349-1367

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