Appointments can be made by navigating to the Appointments tab and clicking on + Schedule Appt.
For a full breakdown of the appointment creation/update screen, check out the sections below.
Customer & Vehicle Information
- In this section you can search for a customer, or add a new customer by clicking on New. If you need to edit their information, click on Edit. Above the search field you will see the customer's next appointment, or most recent previous appointment.
- To the right of the edit button, you will see the Internal Notes button. If an internal note has been previously added for the customer, that will be indicated by a red dot [•].
- Next, you will see the Vehicle dropdown and the View RO History button above. In the dropdown you can select previously added vehicles or add a new vehicle for the customer.
- The Campaigns button is available for dealerships with recall integration or our campaign feature in Scheduler Plus. If a campaign or recall is available for the selected vehicle, that will be indicated by a red dot [•].
- Finally to the very right you will see the Estimated Mileage field, and the last visit mileage above, if applicable. The mileage will be used to show applicable Service Menus for dealerships using Scheduler Plus.
Operations/Services & Notes
- A list of operations/services will be visible on the left side of the window. To add an operation to to the appointment, click on the blue "+" button next to the desired option. You will see it change to a green "✓" symbol, and the operation will be added to the Repair Concerns column.
- Some operations may have additional information which should be verified before adding it to the appointment. This is indicated by a yellow "i" icon and it can be viewed by hovering over the icon.
- For dealerships using Scheduler Plus, Factory and service menus will also appear in this list based on the selected vehicle and mileage. These menus can include multiple services, and are indicated by a yellow-shaded tile.
- To view the included services, click on the yellow portion of the tile.
- For dealerships with our Declined Services product, you can see the previously declined services by clicking on View Previous Declines.
- If the customer has any previous declines, that will be indicated by a red dot [•]. You will then see a list of previously declined services for the customer. You can check which ones you would like to add to the appointment, and click Add Previous Decline(s).
- On the right side of this section you will see the added Repair Concerns listed at the top.
- To make changes to the repair concerns, such as editing the pay type, you can click on the pencil icon to the right, or the trash icon to remove the concern.
- The last two fields in this section are the Customer Notes and Internal Notes. Customer Notes are added as a line in the repair order, however Internal Notes remain only in the appointment and are not visible to the customer.
Transportation Option & Team/Service Advisor
- In the center of the window you can select the Transport Option. Selecting at least one option will update the availability to the right.
- Dealerships with Pickup and Delivery integration can also select that option and create a trip during the appointment creation process.
- Next, for dealerships with user teams, you will be able to click on the dropdown menu under Select Team. The available dates and times will reflect the availability of the advisors within that team.
- Finally you can select the Service Advisor for the appointment at the bottom of that section. Selecting multiple advisors at once will allow you to see the combined availability to the right.
Appointment Date & Time
- The date can be selected at the top of this section by either clicking the dropdown menu in the top left corner, or by navigating to the correct week using the left or right arrows, and clicking on the desired date. Dates with available slots are indicated by a yellow icon at the top of the section.
- To jump to the first available date & time, simply click on Jump To First Available Time.
- To select the time, click on any of the white tiles (indicating availability). For users with override access, you can also click on any of the grayed out tiles and book the appointment during a pre-booked slot.
Appointment Communication & Controls
- In this final section, you can enable or disable appointment related communication via text and/or email. This includes the appointment confirmation, reminders, and any updates if applicable.
- You will also see a final confirmation section in the bottom right corner where you can Cancel or Confirm an appointment when scheduling for the first time. If the appointment has already been created, these buttons will show Close, Delete, and Update.