The reason why you might see your myKaarma phone number change on the upper right corner of the screen would be because it was recently flagged by carrier filtering. The cause for carrier filtering will lead to your number being blacklisted - when a number is blacklisted, we will automatically replace your myKaarma phone number with a new number. All messages will still route to your blacklisted number, however, all outgoing calls and messages will now display from your new number.
How do we help to prevent this from continuing to happen?
Great question, we need your help! Your dealer management will need to fill out this form Business Profile Registration for Carriers. Filling out the form will eliminate your blacklisting moving forward. However, this will not take effect until our team has enabled this feature. To request the feature, please let us know as soon as the form above is completed by contacting our support team at
Additionally, note that Caller IDs will mostly only affect landline phones as most mobile phone providers do not have the option to display callerID unless the number is saved to the phone number as a contact. Mobile users, depending on the subscriber's carrier, will most likely need to enable, subscribe, or pay an up-charge so caller ID (CNAM) is displayed on their handsets additionally, not all carriers may subscribe to the multiple CNAM databases available.
Best Practice: The best way to prevent the issue will be to advise customers to save the myKaarma number as a contact on their devices however updating caller ID will certainly help as well. Updating the Welcome Text template to replace the verbiage "Please use this number to call or text me. " with something else like "Please save this number as a contact on your device. Any calls or texts to this number will put you in touch directly with your Service Advisor". Changing the recording would be helpful as well.
Why did my phone number change in myKaarma?

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