Lane 3000 Troubleshooting / Why is my Lane 3000 giving a blank screen?

Warning: Your access to the following troubleshooting may be limited by your IT Administrator. This document also only applies to dealerships that use CreditCall as a payment gateway

Here are a few steps that can be taken in order to troubleshoot the Ingenico Lane 3000

  • Open up the Device Manager
    1. Make sure to leave the box unchecked for “delete the driver software for this device”5.JPG
    2. Click on Ports to find the Ingenico Lane 
    3. If there is a caution icon next to the device, right click and click uninstall device drivers
    4. The drivers will auto reinstall instantly, click on “Check for any changes”
    5. Check Ports again to ensure the Ingenico Lane devices no longer has the caution icon anymore
    6. Try taking a test payment to ensure the issue is fixed

  • There may be remnants of myKaarma may be on the PC.
  • If the automation doesn’t work while mK is open (but not logged), here is how to manually configure the device:
    • Go to the C: Drive and click on the CreditCallKaarma
    • Right click on the ChipDNA.config.xml file and click open with. Select Notepad and check as default
    • Edit the following fields (Be careful and avoid adding spaces)
      1. Terminal ID - Value from EMV Admin for the specific device. (This can be requested by contacting mykaarma support)
      2. Transaction Key - Value from EMV Admin for the specific device. (This can be requested by contacting mykaarma support)
      3. Model - Ingenico-Lane-3000-UPP 
      4. Device ID - Value from EMV Admin for the specific device. (Found on the back of the Swiper)
      5. Com Port - Value from Device Manager next to Ingenico Lane under Ports


    • Save the file
    • Click the windows icon and search for services (gear icon one)
    • Find CreditCall-ChipDNAServer and click start or restart
    • Give the device 3 minutes to configure and reboot. The device screen should end up saying “myKaarma Powered by NMI”


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