Mobile App Device Recommendations and Compatibility

Operating System/Device Recommendations Breakdown

This table shows the devices we recommend your team utilize for myKaarma's Products.

Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG - We recommend using this device.

ᐅ143+ X Png, X Png Transparent Background Images - We DO NOT recommend you use this device.

Attention PNG transparent image download, size: 2400x2400px - We DO NOT recommend you use this device OR only SOME features in that Product work on the device.


Apple Logo PNG Transparent & SVG Vector - Freebie Supply

iOS 11+
iPhone: Gen X+

Apple Logo PNG Transparent & SVG Vector - Freebie Supply

iOS 11+
iPad: Gen 4+

File:Android logo 2019 (stacked).svg - Wikimedia Commons

OS 11+
Galaxy: Gen 7+
OnePlus: Gen 6+

Communications Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG
Payments Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG
🎥 Video Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG
Scheduler Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG ᐅ143+ X Png, X Png Transparent Background Images
✔️ Mobile Check-In Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG ᐅ143+ X Png, X Png Transparent Background Images
ServiceCart Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG Attention PNG transparent image download, size: 2400x2400px Attention PNG transparent image download, size: 2400x2400px
Mobile Service Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG ᐅ143+ X Png, X Png Transparent Background Images  ᐅ143+ X Png, X Png Transparent Background Images 
Pickup & Delivery Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG ᐅ143+ X Png, X Png Transparent Background Images ᐅ143+ X Png, X Png Transparent Background Images

NOTE: See the "Product Feature Compatibility Breakdown" table below for specifics on what Product Features you can use based on your mobile device's Operating System.

Best Practices and Guidelines for Mobile Devices 

  • Techs need flashlights for best results and clarity of media!
  • Full size iPads ARE NOT recommended for technician use with ServiceCart or for taking technician videos.  Smaller devices that can be operated with one hand and feature a flashlight work best. Think iPhone or iPad MINI (version with a flashlight).
  • Larger devices like iPads ARE recommended for drive aisle activities (Mobile Check In, Video Walk Around) if the intention is to share the screen interactively with a customer.
  • Devices with data plans are the tool of choice for Pickup and Delivery to ensure your drivers are connected to home base and the customer during their trips.
  • IF YOU ARE PURCHASING DEVICES for your team, myKaarma does not recommend Android based devices to avoid obsolescence when expanding to other product features.
  • SHARING DEVICES Device sharing for technicians is possible but if you expect a high number of ROs to have media attached, avoid any more than 2 techs per device. 


Product Feature Compatibility Breakdown

Below is breakdown of Product Features available and their Operating System Compatibility.

Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG - Compatible

ᐅ143+ X Png, X Png Transparent Background Images - Not Compatible 

Product Feature

Apple Logo PNG Transparent & SVG Vector - Freebie Supply

iOS 11+

File:Android logo 2019 (stacked).svg - Wikimedia Commons

OS 11+

ServiceCart View all your inspections in a filterable Route Sheet Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG ᐅ143+ X Png, X Png Transparent Background Images
ServiceCart Update inspection workflow status Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG ᐅ143+ X Png, X Png Transparent Background Images
ServiceCart View RO History Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG ᐅ143+ X Png, X Png Transparent Background Images
ServiceCart Complete inspection multi-point inspection form Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG ᐅ143+ X Png, X Png Transparent Background Images 
ServiceCart Create recommendations with descriptions, Opcodes, parts & labor pricing, labor hours, images, and videos Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG ᐅ143+ X Png, X Png Transparent Background Images 
ServiceCart Self-dispatch unassigned inspections (if permissions given to user) Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG ᐅ143+ X Png, X Png Transparent Background Images
ServiceCart Search for inspections by RO#, VIN, Tag #, or Customer name Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG ᐅ143+ X Png, X Png Transparent Background Images 
ServiceCart Scan inspection QR code to pull up inspection Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG
ServiceCart Take overall inspection video and/or images & attach to inspection Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG
ServiceCart Previously Declined Services Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG ᐅ143+ X Png, X Png Transparent Background Images
ServiceCart Premium ShopChat: Improved Internal Messaging Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG ᐅ143+ X Png, X Png Transparent Background Images 
ServiceCart Premium "EasyRec" Recommendation and Op Code Autofill Checkmark PNG, Checkmark Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNG ᐅ143+ X Png, X Png Transparent Background Images 

If you have any questions about feature compatibility not answered in this document, please reach out to support via chat or email at

Have more questions? Submit a request


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