How to turn on Chrome Notifications for myKaarma

Chrome Settings

  1. On the address bar go to the ‘Lock’ Icon on the left-hand side (Near the browser’s refresh button) → Allow notifications → Reload the page.

  1. If you do not see ‘Notifications’ (Refer to point 1) follow the first steps: Go to the ‘Lock’ Icon → Site Settings → Privacy and Security → Site settings → Notifications → Allow.


  1. PC Settings - Go to manage notifications → Switch on show notifications (Top three checkboxes)

  1. Make sure Focus mode is not switched on - Start → Settings → System → Notifications → Turn off Do not Disturb.


  1. Go to Settings → Notification Center → Google Chrome → Allow all notifications

  1. Make sure Focus mode is not switched on - Settings → Focus → Do not Disturb → Check Schedule (Turn it off initially) or add Chrome to allowed apps.

Final Resort - If none of the above works (WIN & IOS)

  1. Copy & Paste chrome://flags/#enable-system-notifications into the URL bar of Google Chrome.
  2. Where it says Enable System Notifications, change this to say Disabled
  3. Chrome will tell you it needs to be Relaunched. Confirm this
  4. You will now be back to original Chrome notifications






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