If you have an idea to help improve on of myKaarma's existing features, or you have an idea for an all new feature, we'd love to hear it! You can submit a feature request to myKaarma by following the steps below. Our product teams use these submissions frequently, so you may just see your idea in a future update!
Note: Depending on the desktop UI version you have, the steps to submit an idea may vary.
To submit a feature request, click on the question mark icon in the top right corner of the desktop app, and then click on Submit an Idea.
Next, type your idea. If you see your idea come up as a previous submission you can vote for the idea to help increase its priority.
If you do not see your idea listed, click on Post New Idea, and continue to fill out any details you think our teams may need to know in order to properly understand your idea and potentially help bring it to life. When you are done, click on Post.