TCPA Compliant Texting / Opt-In: How it Works


myKaarma has TCPA Compliance built-in to our texting feature. Here's what you need to know. Service Advisors, Cashiers, Customers
Service, Back Office Communications


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An important note on TCPA compliance rules 



 Opting out of and Opting back in to texting is under the control of the customer.

1.   To opt out, the Customer responds to your text with common opt-out phrases [For example, STOP, DO NOT TEXT, STOP TEXTING].   Note that every text you send includes the phrase, Text STOP to opt-out.


2.   The Customer then receives an automatic confirmation:

This message has been detected as an opt-out message, and the system has opted you out of receiving text messages. Please send REJOIN or OPTIN to opt back in.

NOTE: Opt-In and Opt-Out messages appear in the customer thread in myKaarma, even without opting back in.

3.   On the messaging tab, the Opt-Out message will be flagged in red.


The customer's entire thread will also include a warning message in red.


The texting icons within the Customer's thread will also appear in red  Screen_Shot_2020-01-22_at_1.17.35_PM.png and not be clickable.

While the texting icon at the top of the myKaarma app will appear green, and while you will be able to address and compose a message to the Customer, pressing send now will result in a warning and the text will not be sent.


5.   The customer may opt back in at any time by texting Rejoin or Optin. If they attempt to text the dealership without opting back in, they will receive a message in return: "You are currently opted out of receiving texts. Please send OPTIN or REJOIN to opt back in." 



6.   The Customer will receive an automated confirmation: "Based on your previous message, you have been opted back in."

On your myKaarma desktop, the rejoin message will appear green, and you can resume texting as usual.


Note that these procedures apply to texting only.



The new TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) compliance rules require that the CUSTOMER be the person to start the interaction to opt back into texting; Managers can no longer opt any customer back into receiving text messages. This both good news and bad news. The bad news is that you have to reach out to customer and ask them to opt themselves back in. The good news is that now you are no longer open to litigation.

You or your team members can be still reach out personally to customers and ask them to opt themselves back in using the steps below:

  1. Calling the customer FROM your myKaarma number and asking them to text you on the same number.
  2. As outlined above, they will be told that they are currently opted out of texting and to send REJOIN or OPTIN to get back in.
  3. They will then receive one more message confirming they are not opted back in, and all is well.

Your customers will still receive the option to "Text STOP to opt-out" after every message as a part of the TCPA compliance, but the protection against a lawsuit is worth it.


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact myKaarma Support:

(562) 349-1367


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