The Parts Ready-to-Send Tab

Managing your parts tickets

The next tab, “Ready to Send” will show you the status of each parts ticket in a simple view with many quick actions.

After a payment request is sent or a transaction is processed from the two prior screens, the RO information will appear here for you to view. Once integration is added, this view will automatically populate itself without it being necessary to use the prior screens.

The status column will show either: “pending invoice file”, “sent”, “partially paid”, or “paid.”

  • “Sent” - means that a payment request was sent to the customer
  • “Partially Paid” - means that a transaction was made towards the ticket, but there is still a balance remaining to be paid
  • “Pending Invoice File” - will appear if the parts ticket was closed but then reopened. This has only happened refund was made on the parts ticket
  • “Paid” - means that the parts ticket was paid fully with 0.00 dollars remaining

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    How do you get rid of the partially paid? There was a mistake of the total and the customer only paid what was owing. Do you just click "marked as paid"?

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