What are the different permissions attributed to "roles" in myKaarma?

When adding a user to myKaarma you must select a "role" for that user, these roles correspond to permissions in the myKaarma system that allow users to do certain functions.  See below for all the roles and their specific permissions:


1. Service Administrator - This role is for the Service Manager, Service Director, or General Manager of the dealership.  They will have access to view all conversations in the application and have access to the administration portal.

2.  Service Advisor - This role is for Service Advisors in the dealership and this role specifically tells the myKaarma system to sync data for this specific service advisor to allow the system to send automated welcome texts, status notifications, and follow up messages.

3.  Technician - This role is for any technician who is given access to myKaarma.

4.  BDC Administrator - The BDC Administrator has access to all the messages in the myKaarma system and also has access to the administration portal of myKaarma to add, edit, and remove users.

5.  BDC Rep - The BDC representative role is meant to encompass anyone in a scheduling or call center capacity at the dealership.  This role will see all messages in myKaarma, however they will not be able to access the administration portal.

6.  Body Shop - This role is for any users you may add in the body shop to take payments with myKaarma.  This role will have no ability to sync data with the DMS.

7.  Business Administrator - This role is for any users in the back office of the dealership who do reconciliation of myKaarma payments.  This user will by default receive the myKaarma "payment report" email and will have access to the administration portal.

8.  Cashier - This role is for users in the dealership whose primary role is to take payments.  Users with this role will be default receive notifications whenever a swiper or online payment is taken and will also receive the myKaarma "payment report".

9.  Dispatcher - This role is for any users in the dealership whose primary role is not communicating with the customers, but will have the ability to communicate with customers without automatically becoming the assignee of customer conversations.

10.  IT Personnel - This role is for any user who will be a technical administrator of the myKaarma account, either in house or third party.  This role will have access to the administration portal of myKaarma.

11.  Parts Representative - This role is for any user using myKaarma in the parts department.  This role will have no ability to sync data with the DMS.

12.  Principal - This role is for the owner of the dealership and will have all access to view all conversations as well as access the administration portal.


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    Do you have updated content for the roles within your platform? I'm specifically looking for Default Guidelines for "Driver" Role.

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