General Settings

myKaarma now allows you to edit the General Settings of your application so that you can continue to gain more autonomy in your use of myKaarma.  We will be continually adding new settings to this section of your Administration Portal, but so far this is what you are able to do:


1.  Changing your dealership name:

a.  Select the General section in your Administration Portal:


b.  Type your preferred dealership name in the box underneath Dealer Name and press Save.


2.  Changing your dealership logo:

a.  Select the General section in your Administration Portal:


b.  Click the Change Logo button underneath the Dealer Logo section: 

c.  Choose your new logo from your computer and you're done!  The logo will populate in all necessary fields.

3.  Access the myKaarma download link:

a.  Select the General section in your Administration Portal:


b.  Click the URL underneath the Desktop App Download Link section:


These are just a few things you can do with your myKaarma Administration Portal.  Login to yours today and see what else we've added.




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