What URL's need to be "whitelisted" on Dealership firewalls?

IT Setup @ the Dealership

  1. Install Kaarma Desktop
    1. Navigate to http://download.kaar-ma.com/desktop/ 
    2. Follow steps 1 through 10 on the above webpage for each Kaarma user workstation.
    3. Allow each computer, and the Kaarma Desktop application, to have access to the following URLs through any firewalls:
      1. *.kaar.biz
      2. *.mykaarma.com
      3. *.kaar-ma.com
      4. *.kaarya.net
      5. *.google.com
      6. *.youtube.com
      7. *.twilio.com
      8. *.pubnub.com
      9. *.tutorialize.me
      10. *.join.me
      11. *.logmein.com
      12. *.teamviewer.com
      13. *.cardeasexml.com
      14. *.webspellchecker.net
    4. Start Kaarma Desktop on each computer and confirm they run.  You should see Kaarma Desktop auto update itself, and a login window should appear with UserName/ID and Password fields.
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